
Sunday, 3 November 2013

Test Shot

Above is our first test shot, from this I can understand the improvements we need to make when it comes to filming our music video. These include the use of a tripod to ensure the camera stays in the same positioning throughout shooting to make the characters and the scene as realistic as possible. I have also learnt we need to use lighting because in some images it becomes clear that the lighting changes which removes the consistency of the scene, to do this we will use lamps and keep them in the same position throughout shooting, we also need to make sure our shadows do not effect the visual image. This test shot also proved how it was difficult to move the plasticine without it falling over; to overcome this problem we made the models more stable by placing cocktail sticks in their legs. We could also consider slowing the walking down as we felt it went at a fast pace. However this pace does work well with the music and so we will consider this in each shot.

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